Utility Projects

Utility Projects

South County Water Repump Station Water Transmission Main to 19th Avenue, Hillsborough County, Florida. This  project consists of a conducting a route analysis, design and permitting of a proposed water transmission main to connect the South County Water Repump Station to the existing water transmission main on 19th Avenue east of Interstate 75, and provide a connection point on 19th Avenue west of Interstate 75 for a future project. Phase I of the project consists of preparing an environmental assessment of the proposed alternative transmission main routes to evaluate potential wetland and environmental impacts. Phase II of the project involves the design and permitting of the preferred alignment.

Westchase Potable Water Interconnect, Hillsborough County, Florida. This project involves extending the 12-inch Montague Street distribution main approximately 2,600 linear feet (LF) northward to connect to the existing 20-inch transmission main. Assisted the project engineer with the local, state and federal environmental permitting as well as wetland delineation.

Valrico Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement Project, Hillsborough County, Florida. This project involved the construction of a new preliminary treatment facility, along with the demolition of existing structures and site utilities. Tasks involved survey effort, permit application preparation, agency field review participation, excavation, tortoise marking and transport, completion of After Action Reports.

Town of Longboat Key Subaqueous Force Main, Manatee County, Florida. Earth Resources conducted an environmental analysis of five alternative force main alignments that include a subaqueous crossing of Sarasota Bay. Earth Resources is mapping the wetland habitats and assessing the ecological impacts associated with each alternative.

Sun City Water Treatment Plant Bypass/Transmission Main, Hillsborough County, Florida. The project consists of the installation of approximately 6,600 linear feet of 8′ diameter water main including dual 8-inch bundled water mains that cross the Myakka River using horizontal directional drill methods. The length of the river crossing is approximately 1000 feet. Earth Resources was responsible for environmental permitting through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and gopher tortoise permitting and relocations.

East/West Potable and Reclaimed Water Transmission Mains, Pasco County. This project involves the construction of 17 miles of new potable and reclaimed water transmission mains in Pasco County. Earth Resources conducted an environmental analysis of the proposed transmission main routes and prepared a Route Analysis Report delineated wetlands, conducted protected species surveys, relocated gopher tortoises, and obtained permits from the FFWCC, SWFWMD and ACOE.

Northwest Regional Water Reclamation Facility Expansion, Hillsborough County, Florida. This project consisted of the expansion of an existing water treatment facility for Hillsborough County. Tasks include coordination with the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, environmental permitting, UMAM analysis, wildlife surveys.

U.S. 41 Water Transmission Main, Pasco County, Florida. This new water main project consists of approximately 16,000 linear feet of water transmission main along the U.S. 41 corridor connecting at the south end to the Tampa Bay Water U.S. 41 Booster Pumping Station and ending at the north end at Connerton Boulevard (or proposed Ridge Road). Tasks include preparation of a route analyses report to determine involvement of wetlands and other sensitive habitats, wetland delineation, UMAM, environmental permitting/agency coordination and wildlife surveys.

East County Wellfield, Manatee County, Florida. This project consists of approximately 10 miles of new water transmission main, two production wells, pump houses, generators and a low water crossing through Manatee County’s Duette Wellfield to the point of connection at S.R.64. Tasks include, obtaining a submerged land lease from the FDEP, preparation of a route analyses report to determine involvement of wetlands and other sensitive habitats, wetland delineation, UMAM, environmental permitting/agency coordination and wildlife surveys. Identified wetland restoration opportunities within Duette Preserve to mitigate for wetland impacts associated with a proposed bridge crossing over the North Fork of the Manatee River. Currently, Earth Resources is responsible for conducting semi-annual mitigation monitoring and preparing monitoring reports in accordance with FDEP permit conditions.

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